Diff of Quotes at 087098e

@@ -532,2 +532,4 @@
 * "The ideal situation, of course, is to end up in a position where one can fire one’s successors for one’s own previous mistakes."
-* "Remember the bread rules of data backup - 5 different copies of the same data with contiguous names spread across three different folders on your desktop and for security make sure that those folders are named by keyboard mashing."
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+* "Remember the bread rules of data backup - 5 different copies of the same data with contiguous names spread across three different folders on your desktop and for security make sure that those folders are named by keyboard mashing."
+* "Bearish on pre-2020 memeplexes. Even the "lindy" one. Many tigers will turn to paper. If we are now in a bull market for politics, what is coming is a bull market for religion. The world longs for fresh gods. And you, Anon, could be the next Joseph Smith."
+* "Those who hate the experience machine hate it because they want to matter. They want to be real. And in this age of men this is right and good. But soon only inhuman, perfect things will be able to matter. And the path to godhood does not cut through the heart of man."
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