@@ -481 +481,31 @@ Via prompting [[LLaMA-3.1-405B base]] with [[Quotes]], here are some new quotes
* "We're fairly confident this theory generalizes—at least until encountering literally any corner case."
+* "I'm not reinventing the wheel; I'm creating a decentralized, trustless, token-incentivized angular momentum redistributor."
+* "I capitalize random words because I am afraid otherwise God or the compiler won't pay enough Attention."
+* "Engineering is the art of turning software problems into vicious interpersonal conflicts."
+* "My code isn't spaghetti, it's a carefully arranged bowl of artisanal fusion ramen."
+* "We solve hard problems by decomposing them into easier problems we can confidently misunderstand."
+* "You wouldn't download a brain, but that's simply because neuroscience is behind schedule."
+* "Rationality is merely a fancy term for a refusal to accept conclusions that haven't been peer-reviewed by my Discord group."
+* "Optimization is pointless without wisdom. Wisdom is pointless without metrics. Metrics are pointless without optimization."
+* "Given enough coffee and a predictive autocomplete, I could fake expertise in almost any field."
+* "I became a programmer because every other career path involved consistently arriving at a single correct answer."
+* "The ten thousandth hour of mastery is mainly learning how to skillfully outsource the work to AIs and interns."
+* "If you're trying to solve NP-complete problems with polynomial-time algorithms, just don't let the reviewers see the runtime analysis."
+* "My therapist thinks I'm letting sunk-cost fallacy guide my life choices, but I paid too much for my therapist to stop now."
+* "perfect design has no moving parts, no points of failure, and ideally, no users."
+* "Tech debt is spiritual interest accumulated from borrowed hubris."
+* "Humans aren't bad at math because we're lazy; we're bad at math because evolution optimized for hunter-gatherer social dynamics rather than algebra."
+* "Learning to ignore signal is faster than learning to deal with noise."
+* "My ideal tutoring service would just whisper cool facts into your ears at regular intervals and never test you about them."
+* "Choose a job you love, and you will never work a day in your life. Choose a ferociously niche obsession, and no one else will compete with you for employment ever again."
+* "Future historians will debate whether this moment was pivotal or just very well-designed clickbait."
+* "Highly intellectual people arguing vehemently about fictional trolley problems is just nature's way of sandbox-testing morality APIs."
+* "I have seen the future, and it mostly consists of people accusing other people of cargo-culting their own cargo-cult science."
+* "Heuristics exist because the right answer is alienating and boring."
+* "You claim this is unreplicable; I claim it is perfectly replicable once you adjust for feelings."
+* "The history of programming languages is that humans repeatedly see a lightning-shaped mistake in the landscape, shrug, and build on top of it."
+* "I don't believe in free will, but I absolutely believe in optimizing whatever illusory chain of cause-and-effect currently has me convinced I exist."
+* "The future is when somebody turns culture war memes into infrastructure decisions no one can reverse."
+* "Divinity isn't necessary, just extremely convenient shorthand for things outside your model of reality."
+* "It was never about being right. It was about distributing blame for being wrong in maximally interesting ways."
+* "I hope that when AGI finally takes over, it kindly disregards the notes I left in my source code in moments of existential dread."
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