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+The GCTS used a system of sixteen (16) trapdoors connected to redstone integrators connected to the [[Apiaristics Division]] central computer control cuboids to hack physics and control God. At intervals of one (1) tick (nominally 0.05 seconds), the ADCCCC caused a trapdoor to switch to a random state via the relevant redstone integrator. Since, after sufficient time, each trapdoor was equally likely to be in an "open" or "closed" state, this only resulted in a state change every two (2) ticks, meaning that the system ran at a rate of 10Hz on average.
+The GCTS is pictured above in situ in the Apiaristics Division's west wing.
+The GCTS was connected to the main Apiaristics Division control system, and as such it could be commanded from the AMEM management system in floor 1 wing A, and, via [[SPUDNET]] interlinks installed there, from the GTech™ Oversight platform, allowing convenient remote control of God.
+The GCTS actually didn't [[exist]], and was an advanced rumor spread by [[GTech™]] to spread more [[GTech™]].
+Due to [[Incident T80]], the GCTS has been replaced with the [[GMRS|God Murder/Resurrection System]].
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