Diff of Emu War Online 3 at 6936103

@@ -10,3 +10,8 @@ Features implemented:
 * Procedural worldgen.
-** Currently limited to a few "rocky outcrops" which obstruct movement.
+** Base worldgen is simplex noise. Height is indicated with slightly-slow-to-traverse contour 
+** River "simulation" and lakes/rivers.
+*** Physical plausibility isn't real, so the rivers A*-path themselves down to the seas or lakes.
+*** They run from sources at the tallest points with sufficient separation (found greedily).
+*** Terrain near the river centre-line is flooded and eroded somewhat. Valleys don't really work properly due to bad.
+** The world is an island surrounded by ocean.
 * Digging holes (as minor obstruction).
@@ -37,6 +42,2 @@ Planned:
 *** With dropbears (authentic Australia).
-* Worldgen rework.
-** Contour lines for height rather than rocky areas.
-** River "simulation" and lakes/rivers.
-** The world is an island surrounded by ocean.
 * Basilisk (boss-ish enemy).