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-Spontaneous tetrational apiogenesis is a [[bad]] thing which can occur in [[Apiary|apiaries]]. Certain configurations of [[apiolectromagnetic fields]] are able to propagate themselves rapidly; due to the geometry of spacetime within optimized[[Apiary|apiaries]] - highly connected within many dimensions - the total volume of these configurations can expand tetrationally. Since under some models of quantized apiohydronucleodynamic theory the configurations can be interpreted as bees, and the process causes an increase in these, it is frequently considered a type of [[apiogenesis]] (bee production), although some scholars dispute this interpretation.
+Spontaneous tetrational apiogenesis is a [[bad]] thing which can occur in [[Apiary|apiaries]]. Certain configurations of [[apiolectromagnetic fields]] are able to propagate themselves rapidly; due to the geometry of spacetime within optimized [[Apiary|apiaries]] - highly connected within many dimensions - the total volume of these configurations can expand tetrationally. Since under some models of quantized apiohydronucleodynamic theory the configurations can be interpreted as bees, and the process causes an increase in these, it is frequently considered a type of [[apiogenesis]] (bee production), although some scholars dispute this interpretation.