Diff of Quotes (Hypothetical) at 9482f4b

@@ -436,2 +436,46 @@ Via prompting [[LLaMA-3.1-405B base]] with [[Quotes]], here are some new quotes
 * "No, I'm not procrastinating. I'm pursuing optimal delayed-gratification policies."
-* "A consultant is someone who borrows your watch to tell you the time, then hands it back and bills you for a warranty."
\ No newline at end of file
+* "A consultant is someone who borrows your watch to tell you the time, then hands it back and bills you for a warranty."
+* "I'm not procrastinating. I'm asymptotically approaching maximum motivation."
+* "It's not a bug, it's a glimpse into the multiverse where your logic makes sense."
+* "I prefer my systems like my metaphysical beliefs: consistent, elegant, and completely unfalsifiable."
+* "Everyone wants actionable insights, but no one wants to action them."
+* "There are two errors people make about recursion: the first one is recursion, and the second one is recursion."
+* "It wasn't feature creep, it was iterative enlightenment."
+* "If reality can't be simulated, explain debugging to me."
+* "Never forget that the difference between 'production' and 'prototype' is just a sufficiently convincing demo pitch deck."
+* "We successfully solved alignment by repeatedly declaiming that it's somebody else's problem in increasingly convincing ways."
+* "The purpose of abstraction is to replace a problem you're struggling with by a problem nobody understands at all."
+* "If I don't believe in free will, does that obligate me to act on principle or is it still permissible to improvise wildly?"
+* "Today I drank eight glasses of water just to have achieved something objectively measurable."
+* "The true Turing Test is being able to endure small talk about weather without becoming obvious as either machine or philosopher."
+* "What isn't dead may never die, but it often experiences severe packet loss."
+* "In machine learning, as in cooking, you spend years studying theory, only to be told by seasoned professionals that it's better just to taste as you go."
+* "The number of email newsletters I subscribe to outnumbers the amount of free will I exercise daily, both of which round down to zero."
+* "I'm an epistemic minimalist—I take on only the absolute smallest number of justified true beliefs to function."
+* "My hobby is acquiring hobbies rather than actually having them."
+* "I know what you're thinking—well, no, I interpolate what you're thinking based on training data."
+* "When future civilizations excavate our ruins, their archaeological consensus will be that we worshipped rectangles emitting mystical blue light."
+* "The reason we haven't achieved world peace is that the Nash equilibrium is depraved."
+* "Treat every project like an experiment unless you've already billed the client, then treat it like an immutable law of nature."
+* "Progress, like Zeno's arrow, always inevitably slows as it nears the optimal state of annoying one specific coworker."
+* "I write tests not so I have fewer bugs, but to spread out my failures across multiple files."
+* "Languages have grammar in the same way astrology has predictions—retrofitted neatly to justify post-hoc interpretation."
+* "The road to hell is paved with 'it's just a proof-of-concept, we'll rewrite it later'."
+* "I sabotage my own productivity so the impostor syndrome keeps me humble."
+* "Reality is just the underlying computational substrate arguing with itself in public."
+* "The simulation hypothesis is more comforting if you assume the simulators also have unmanageable technical debt."
+* "In this house, we obey conservation of energy, unless we need an emotional outlet, then we shamelessly violate it."
+* "Practice radical honesty—admit you have no idea what's going on."
+* "This is very expensive infrastructure for manifesting extremely subtle bugs."
+* "This isn't chaos; it's non-linear order—with insufficient sampling."
+* "I FTP’d into your heart and accidentally deleted the README."
+* "When hell freezes over, Satan will still complain about off-by-one errors."
+* "Maybe creativity is just elegant brute-force applied to ideaspace."
+* "I trust you implicitly—by which I mean I've expressly encoded your limitations into the design."
+* "When your only debugging tool is hope and prayer, everything starts to look like divine intervention."
+* "Any sufficiently large mistake is indistinguishable from a new methodology."
+* "Human organizations have barely more coherence than a well-trained language model. The main difference is explainability—and language models have the advantage there."
+* "My main contribution to humanity will be some future intern finding my source code comments hilarious."
+* "Unfortunately, our product roadmap is blocked on Godot's arrival."
+* "My fear of commitment extends even into version control history."
+* "We're fairly confident this theory generalizes—at least until encountering literally any corner case."