Diff of Trilateration at d15c509

@@ -2,2 +2,2 @@ In 3D Euclidean space, the position of a point is uniquely determined by its dis
-ComputerCraft GPS uses at least four GPS servers which broadcast their position when requested (an implementation detail which has led to many interesting information leaks itself, requiring development of [[passive GPS]]), with clients measuring distance and performing the trilateration computations. As all ComputerCraft wireless broadcasts provide exact distance by default, without any special design or [[time sync]] being necessary, it is also possible to use identical maths and an array of receivers to locate the sender of any wireless message. This capability has been extensively used for [[monitoring]].
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+ComputerCraft GPS uses at least four GPS servers which broadcast their position when requested (an implementation detail which has led to many interesting information leaks itself, requiring development of [[passive GPS]]), with clients measuring distance and performing the trilateration computations. As all ComputerCraft wireless broadcasts provide exact distance by default, without any special design or [[time sync]] being necessary, it is also possible to use identical maths and an array of receivers to locate the sender of any wireless message. This capability has been extensively used for [[monitoring]], especially since [[Opus OS]] broadcasts periodic network pings.
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