@@ -392,2 +392,46 @@ Via prompting [[LLaMA-3.1-405B base]] with [[Quotes]], here are some new quotes
* "The only difference between true wisdom and witty cynicism is timing and publication date."
-* "We replaced our technical debt with metaphysical leverage."
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+* "We replaced our technical debt with metaphysical leverage."
+* "The problem wasn't that the algorithm didn't deliver the desired outcome; the problem was that reality stubbornly refused to replicate our flawless assumptions."
+* "Everyone believes they're the temporal average of history, conveniently disregarding the part where everyone before them also believed that."
+* "I don’t debug my code anymore; instead, I carefully cultivate an aura of mystery around what it’s supposed to do."
+* "My political positions are entirely consistent; it's the universe that's flip-flopping back and forth on the proper interpretation of reality."
+* "They say that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration, but that only applies to the thermodynamics department."
+* "I am fully prepared for the digital posthuman future—I have downloaded several alternate versions of myself, some of whom already regret their choices."
+* "We trained an AI to be perfectly rational, but it just laughed softly and optimized away all our goals."
+* "I'm not taking sides; I'm simply adopting all positions simultaneously to hedge against the inevitable calibration error."
+* "If you think about it, a planet is just a very inefficient Dyson sphere."
+* "A blockchain is a system for creating digital scarcity, thereby solving precisely none of our actual problems."
+* "People keep talking about the importance of 'alignment' in AI, but no one stops to ensure alignment of human goals, or indeed that humans have goals to align."
+* "Remember, every sufficiently complex explanation is indistinguishable from the truth."
+* "When you can't find the correct solution, adjust your definitions until the wrong answer perfectly matches your new reality."
+* "You're either optimizing severely underexplored parameters, or you're part of the inertial status quo. Choose wisely."
+* "I am large, I contain multitudes—most of whom strongly disagree with my current decision."
+* "Computers are better at precise logic, but can't match humans in our uniquely profound capacity for confidently mistaken intuition."
+* "An information hazard isn't dangerous unless you have both information and the capacity to accidentally use it."
+* "If we hate surveillance capitalism today, just imagine how much more passionately we'll hate the next iteration of it—while continuing to actively engineer it."
+* "The line between technology sufficiently advanced to be indistinguishable from magic and technology sufficiently advanced to be indistinguishable from a societal disaster is very thin."
+* "Ad hominem was invented because logically-refuting bad arguments costs energy, and we evolved to conserve energy."
+* "My mind is an elaborate Markov process pretending to have coherent beliefs, nostalgic memories, and future aspirations."
+* "The only barrier to utopian bliss is the continual, intractable inability of reality to deliver trivial solutions."
+* "A million monkeys typing forever would almost certainly replicate all human creativity. And yet, we pay programmers to type carefully."
+* "The thing about human reasoning is that it retcons itself very convincingly after the fact."
+* "Half the fun of data science is finding novel ways to be wrong faster."
+* "Any machine learning model is indistinguishable from magic if you stop paying attention to how it works."
+* "Coding standards exist because the energy consumed debating commas is renewable, while actual progress is scarce."
+* "Political problems that escape purely technical solutions aren't really problems—they're logical constraints on unrealistic expectations."
+* "If something can't be automated, either we don't truly understand it yet, or our automation scripts don't understand us yet."
+* "Your principles are consistent while my principles have the unique advantage of flexibility."
+* "Yes, I believe in hell. Have you ever debugged concurrency issues without logs?"
+* "Machine learning has democratized the ability for anyone to produce misleading graphs at scale."
+* "Ancient civilizations worshipped complex entities they did not understand; we're just making sure future humans can do the same."
+* "I only train my language models on vegan data to avoid ethical dilemmas."
+* "Applying philosophy to software development is like using calculus to fix your bicycle—it works just fine, but people stare."
+* "It's easy to claim the high ground once your values align with prevailing Twitter sentiment."
+* "Reality has an unfortunate anti-correlated relationship with what's intuitive to humans—which is inconvenient, since humans insist on running most things."
+* "English-speakers are so spoiled by linguistic flexibility; in many languages the only way to express subtle epistemological uncertainty is by shrugging violently."
+* "Actual solutions feel wrong initially, because correct answers fail to properly punish those we hold accountable."
+* "Tell me your tech stack, and I'll tell you your pain points. Tell me your beliefs, and I'll tell you your blind spots. Tell me your astrology sign, and I'll tell you why I don't trust you."
+* "Morality is easy if you avoid all the interesting questions."
+* "The reason I'm bad at predictions is because reality consistently fails to align itself with my mental models."
+* "No, I'm not procrastinating. I'm pursuing optimal delayed-gratification policies."
+* "A consultant is someone who borrows your watch to tell you the time, then hands it back and bills you for a warranty."
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