@@ -20,3 +20,3 @@ The job of a search engine is to retrieve useful information for users. This is
* Google/Bing/etc are plausibly primarily keyword-based. This is not ideal for most (?) queries, which care about something being "the same sort of thing". Neural reranking since at least 2019.
-* Exa uses (mostly?) "Neural PageRank" i.e. contrastive link text/link target modelling. Rationale: link text roughly describes the kind of thing the link points to.
+* Exa uses (mostly?) "Neural PageRank" i.e. contrastive link text/link target modelling. Rationale: link text (or text around link, or whole link-source document? probably mostly former) roughly describes the kind of thing the link points to.
* {Could also do contrastive link co-occurrence modelling. Rationale: things referenced in the same document are likely semantically related.