An orbital laser is any device in orbit, in the sense that it ominously exists and stays up vaguely in space, which can emit directed beams of some kind at targets below it. This includes [[orbital mind control lasers]], orbital bee lasers, orbital defensive lasers, orbital orbital laser lasers, orbital death lasers, orbital memetic lasers, orbital trolley lasers, orbital distributing lasers, and orbital communication lasers (FSO). Orbital lasers are widely used by GTechâ„¢, including many [[mgollark|mgollarks]]. According to projections, they can be used to destroy Carthage. Here's an example of a standard orbital laser deployment: <= Orbital Laser/deployment sample Here is an example of orbital defensive lasers in use: <= Orbital Laser/SolarFlame5 obliteration == Hitchens's orbital laser Hitchens's orbital laser is a powerful generalization of [[Hitchens's razor|]]. Where Hitchens's razor only applies to claims asserted without evidence, Hitchens's orbital laser permits dismissal of any claim with evidence susceptible to destruction by orbital laser. It is widely used in applied computational philosophy. == Orbital laser marketing Orbital lasers are marketed via various means, including but not limited to orbital mind control lasers and orbital laser-themed music. <= Orbital Laser/track 1 <= Orbital Laser/track 2