Spontaneous tetrational apiogenesis is a bad thing which can occur in apiaries. Certain configurations of apiolectromagnetic fields are able to propagate themselves rapidly; due to the geometry of spacetime within optimizedapiaries - highly connected within many dimensions - the total volume of these configurations can expand tetrationally. Since under some models of quantized apiohydronucleodynamic theory the configurations can be interpreted as bees, and the process causes an increase in these, it is frequently considered a type of apiogenesis (bee production), although some scholars dispute this interpretation.
Obviously, the active stabilization and field control mechanisms in an apiaries prevent such an occurrence when operating correctly, but spontaneous tetrational apiogenesis is one very problematic, if somewhat unlikely, consequence of their failure or degradation. In case it does occur and propagates unboundedly (referred to as a VK-class "universal apiary" scenario), retroactive continuity may be required; as an alternative, as long as the ξ-9 stage has not been reached and the stabilization systems are still partly running, it should be possible to take manual control of the apiary and use the field generators to disintegrate the problematic patterns. The high-bandwidth brain/computer interfacing required to do this has been refined by our research and development teams and now very rarely causes fatal cerebral overload.
While it has been claimed that the correct response would be to "rotate apioforms perpendicular to apiolectromagnetic fields", this would in fact worsen the situation by strengthening the relevant fields, and in any case is unlikely to be possible due to the likely failure of bee velocity causers in this scenario.