The sequel to Emu War Online 2 and Emu War Online 1. Emu War but as a web-based MMO. Now on a hexagon grid.
Features implemented:
Basic combat.
As in EW(O1), you simply walk at an enemy to harm it.
EWO3 is turn-based, but with about 20 turns per second.
Players have no walking speed limit but enemies do (though they move somewhat randomly).
Procedural worldgen.
Base worldgen is simplex noise. Height is indicated with slightly-slow-to-traverse contour
River "simulation" and lakes/rivers.
Physical plausibility isn't real, so the rivers A*-path themselves down to the seas or lakes.
They run from sources at the tallest points with sufficient separation (found greedily).
Terrain near the river centre-line is flooded and eroded somewhat. Valleys don't really work properly due to bad.
The world is an island surrounded by ocean.
Digging holes (as minor obstruction).
Items (dirt, bones).
Dirt is from digging.
Bones are from killing enemies.
They do not do anything.
The classic EW enemies (IBIS, KESTREL, SNAKE, EMU, OGRE, RAT) as well as a new powerful but rare MOA and the weird PLATYPUS.
Platypi, as the natural choice for magic users, have a ranged attack.
You'll have to build a few tools to make them, and they will obstruct enemies (until they break).
Probably we also want damage-dealing spikes or similar.
Also no-spawning safe zones?
Build things to highlight where you are to other players.
Player weaponry/ranged attacks/etc.
Drop base damage but give players more options once they get tool use set up.
Players should have other items, really.
Crops (for healing).
Plants will naturally grow in some places. They can also spread.
To constrain growth, plants will detect when there are too many nearby, and/or run on some kind of system tracking soil nutrients and water.
Different crops will interact differently with these, forcing players to consider crop rotation etc.
Maybe you can selectively breed them. It should not be that hard to give crops genetics.
Trees (for a few other resources) are bigger and somewhat more obstructive crops.
With dropbears (authentic Australia).
Basilisk (boss-ish enemy).
Occupies multiple tiles.
Starts unfinished. Asks players to feed it resources to grow with promise of rewards and threats.
Will try to kill players who did not contribute to its construction when finished, as well as generally rampaging.
People who help it get "nanomachines" or something which can help construction?
The basilisk can talk to you using an LLM to convince you to help it.
Color UI mode.
More resources.
Crops, trees, "digging around" in holes with better tools.
Overly detailed environmental simulations, apparently.