The GCTS used a system of sixteen (16) trapdoors connected to redstone integrators connected to the Apiaristics Division central computer control cuboids to hack physics and control God. At intervals of one (1) tick (nominally 0.05 seconds), the ADCCCC caused a trapdoor to switch to a random state via the relevant redstone integrator. Since, after sufficient time, each trapdoor was equally likely to be in an "open" or "closed" state, this only resulted in a state change every two (2) ticks, meaning that the system ran at a rate of 10Hz on average.
The GCTS is pictured above in situ in the Apiaristics Division's west wing.
The GCTS was connected to the main Apiaristics Division control system, and as such it could be commanded from the AMEM management system in floor 1 wing A, and, via SPUDNET interlinks installed there, from the GTech™ Oversight platform, allowing convenient remote control of God.
The GCTS actually didn't exist, and was an advanced rumor spread by GTech™ to spread more GTech™.